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KNBS Census 2019

KNBS Challenge


To include everyone, and to showcase how census was so important.

Build Support

To deliver better quality information, to make it easier for people to participate and take part.

Build Confidence & Pride

To endorse confidentiality of every individual’s personal information and communicate the role they play.

KNBS Strategy

Outreach through Opinion leaders

Media Outreach & Advocacy

Public Information Campaign


Over 98% enumerated for the first time in

4621 stories ran on print and electronic media during the Census week.

55 million impressions Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, You Tube, LinkedIn and WhatsApp.

Over 140% increase social media reach on KNBS Facebook page and Twitter handle.

Cultivated support from mainstream FBOs.

Top Story across all media outlets for the period.

Won the UN Grand Award & Golden World Award for excellence.